When the weather gets chilly and the pumpkin EVERYTHING launches onto shelves, all we want to do is curl up into a ball and snuggle. Ya feel? We thought so. Rather than let the glorious weather deter you from being successful (although we’re on board with snuggle-relax-on-the-couch-sipping-latte days), let’s make these last few months the most productive ones of the year!

tips to increase productivity

  1. Limit your sugar intake – we know it’s tempting to get a PSL every day on the way to work, but try to refrain. Those sugars will affect your health and probably not in the best way possible. Save it for a special treat!
  2. Establish a routine – haven’t quite found your groove yet? Don’t give up, we promise you’ll find it! Check out our tips for putting a little pizzazz into your routine this season.
  3. Set boundaries – this time of year gets CRAZY. Make sure you know your limits and are standing firm in what really matters.
  4. Meal prep – minimize stress during the week by planning your meals ahead of time. Head over to our Instagram to see some of our favorite fall recipes.

What are your tips for staying productive during this time of year?