Maybe you used to journal when you were little and stopped as you grew older. Maybe you jot down a “line a day” and count it as done. Maybe you have never given it a second thought and don’t think you have time for it. We totally understand all these sides, but want to encourage you to dust off that empty journal and grab a pen.

Here are four reasons why you should start journaling:

It helps you process your thoughts

Rather than trying to figure out your emotions by talking to someone else, work through them first by writing them out. You’ll be surprised to find how much you’ll discover about yourself by not letting someone else’s opinions get in the way. By the end of writing, you may even have an answer you didn’t think you’d ever reach.

It winds you down

Journaling before bed is a great way to calm yourself down and turn your brain off. Put your electronics away and use just ten minutes to jot down your day, anything that evoked strong emotions, etc.

It encourages mindfulness

Most people don’t stop to think about their day because they’re always on the move. By actively seeking out time to reflect on the day, you’re training yourself to encourage mindfulness and put those habits into action.

It sparks creativity

You never know what you might come up with when you put a pen to paper. When you take that time to think without any distractions, your creative juices often start flowing.


If journaling is something new for you, we have a few prompts to help get you started:

  • 20 things that make you happy
  • Something you wish everyone knew about you
  • If you could tell your teenage self one thing, it would be….
  • What are you inspired by?
  • What are you most energized by?