5 Ways to Beat Summer Bloat

During these hot summer months, we always notice a little extra couple of LBs that creep on despite no drastic change in our diet. Yes, official freak out mode would kick in until we realized that it’s the hot summer months that are the evil culprit. Causing us to retain more water and thus bloating occurs preventing us from showing off all our hard work in spin, Pilates and yoga classes all winter long!

Well, never fear because somebunny has 5 Ways to Beat Summer Bloat and make you ready to hop into that bikini and catch some rays!

1. Kick Processed Foods to the Curb

Processed foods are full of sodium and preservatives that can really cause that ‘puffy’ feeling, especially during these months where we retain more water. Avoiding processed foods and substituting in more fresh veggies and fruits, which are full of natural antioxidants to help your body rid excess fluids naturally!

2. Monkey Business- Eat Bananas

What’s the saying? A banana a day will keep bloat away? Yeah, that sounds right. Bananas are full of potassium and when the body is low in potassium, it tends to hold onto sodium more, causing bloat. Check out this Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Soft Serve recipe for a fun way to eat more bananas!

3. Get your Calcium

According to the Mayo Clinic, getting 1200mg of Calcium a day in your diet will help reduce fluid retention and help ease those pesky symptoms that Aunt Flow brings to town.. helloooo cravings!

4. Reduce Sodium Intake

Many foods have sodium already in them but you know the foods we’re talking about that are good to avoid if you’re experiencing the ‘beached ball’ feeling. Foods like chips, processed deli meats and canned vegetables. Kick up your intake of celery, watermelon, beans and lentils. These foods are higher in potassium and fiber, which will give you an almost immediate effect of reducing that bloated belly.

5. Opt Out of Brunch Mimosas (seriously, don’t hate us for this one)

We know, we know. Brunch and mimosas are a summer must. However, alcohol is a big culprit for water retention. When you drink, you get dehydrated and this is a bad combo when the summer sun is already causing you to be dehydrated. This causes your body to pull in extra fluid. So, go for a tea and water (ok, maybe just ONE mimosa) and you should be better off for your afternoon pool sesh!